Sree Gokulam Public School, Chengalpet
Admission Procedure
The application form and the prospectus for Admission to various classes can be obtained on Payment of Rs.250/-. The school admits students on the basis of merit. Children between the age group 2½ – 3½ can take admission to play school and the children between the age group 3½ – 4½ can be admitted to Kindergarten. For admission to other classes, the age prescribed by the CBSE, shall be strictly followed. For Admission, the following documents should be submitted.
Copy of Aadhar Card
Birth certificate
Transfer certificate
4.Community Certificate( for SC/ST)
Three to Six Passport Size colour photos
Report card from the Institution last studied (for Std III – Std IX)
Statement of marks issued by the Secondary Board (for XI)
Conduct certificate from the Head of the Institution last studied (for XI)
Admission is made on the clear understanding that those who are admitted with fully abide by the rules and regulations which school enforces. These rules and regulations are subject to change as and when necessary. Selected students should pay their fees in order to confirm their admission. It is mandatory that parents/ guardians should accompany the candidate at the time of admission. Any student violating the rules and regulations of the school will be liable for disciplinary action. In the event of discontinuing the studies, the school fees paid will not be refunded. Application for TC should be submitted 15 days in advance.
Withdrawals :
Application for Transfer Certificate should be given in writing to the Principal by both the parents of the pupil. A minimum of seven days are required for the issue of the Transfer Certificate.
Pupil who intends to leave the school should clear all the fee dues to the school before taking the T.C.
A student once removed from the roll will be re-admitted only after the payment of re-admission fee of ` 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) provided there is a seat.